Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Orange Sunset in Amsterdam

The sunset was quite beautiful here in Amsterdam a few weeks ago. My husband called and said I should get outside and take pictures of it. So I grabbed my camera and rang my neighbors bell. While I have the luxury of a large garden in the middle of the city, my neighbors, Wim and Carolien, and their two sons Mischa and Benjamin, have a roof terrace on the 3rd floor (4th American floor, as here the first floor is the ground floor, where I live). So I went up to their roof terrace and took a few photos of the sunset:

Kind of eerie, but beautiful view from the rooftop..

While I was up on the roof, I heard my cat go through the cat door. I leaned over the railing and said hello to him. He looked up and started meowing quite urgently (my kitty is quite the whiner..fits right into our family!). I laughed and said goodbye to him, then went downstairs and chatted with my neighbor for a few minutes. When I got back downstairs I went outside to see if Freddy the cat was still in the garden. I couldn't find him until I looked up and saw him sitting on the railing of my neighbors balcony. I think he was trying to get to the roof terrace!

Crazy cat. He was quite chill later that evening, hanging out with my husband Maarten on the couch:

He's crazy but we love him!

1 comment:

Laini Taylor said...

(This is Alexandra here- I just hijacked Laini's blog and put up a post on hers since I'm on her computer. I wish I had a little dog reading this post (cats are out-I'm allergic) Come visit us here in PDX!