Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Cancer Summer is Almost over...

It has been admittedly a very difficult summer. My husband's diagnosis of a Mediastinal Germ Cell tumor in his chest (a rare form of Testicular Cancer) being the main cause. But it hasn't been all bad (says she who didn't go through 4 rounds of BEP chemotherapy). We been inundated with so much love, support and attention that it's hard to feel alone. And we got a new kitten.

On September 11th (a memorable date, I know) we celebrated 9 years of marriage. Lord knows we've had our trials and tribulation (Cancer being a major one, admittedly) but we've made it this far.
But we made it. We also got another kitten...so on Friday we proudly welcome Pebbels to our house. She took to us like wildfire...although she's taking longer to get used to Freddy our other, slightly larger, fatty katty. It's nice to have something positive to focus on while we wait for the next steps in Maartens cancer treatment.


tone almhjell said...

Hi Lori,

found you at Laini's blog. Cancer is the meanest, cruelest, scariest thing, and I think you guys are very brave. Here's some extra mojo. X

And hello to your sweet kitty! My little one is sleeping on the bathroom floor right now, upset because I won't light a fire in the kitchen fireplace - but that is because there was a chimney fire here yesterday and were not allowed to do anything until the chimney sweep has been. But Pims doesn't accept excuses. She's a little like the press, or a mean boss. Only much, much cuter.

Nice meeting you!

Fletcher of the Day said...

Thanks Tone!

It has been a character challenging summer...and Pebbles the wonderkitten is our reward (well, life and survival is it's own reward I suppose...:). She's settled in very quickly...I have a feeling she's going to be getting into trouble very quickly. Ahh kitten love.
